Final stage

2. Explain the CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility of the company in Colombia or in the foreign market the company is.

For several decades, Alpina , as derived from agro company manufacturing, has understood that its sustainability depends on good management of natural resources along its value chain .

The environmental sustainability criteria are involved in the proceedings of Alpina . It is your greatest interest and aim to consider the weight of environmental variables in decisions, as a positive contribution to the business and to global environmental challenges such as responsible management of the water footprint, carbon and climate change.

The Company has endeavored to seek and maintain a rational balance between respect and good stewardship of the environment, the company takes into account three aspects: the responsible management of water, energy management and climate change, and management materials and waste .

Responsible water management

Water is an essential factor for the business and its chain; for example, the production of one kilogram of product required level, on average 4.7 liters of water therefore ensure that this is removed, use and return the best possible way and is is important for the sustainability focus Alpina.

What are you doing Alpina?

Thanks to improvements in efficiency in 2014 extraction of approximately 124,500 cubic meters of water was avoided, despite the increase in production.

For Sopó plant, the water required operation is obtained from deep wells, which ensures self-sufficiency and, simultaneously, protecting against the vulnerability that provide surface water.

Alpina works to make efficient and responsible use of water resources contributing to this is sufficient and quality water for human consumption, domestic use, agricultural production and industrial use.

Projects to reduce water consumption are promoted at all locations, this being one of the main indicators.

The water management strategy includes treatment and disposal of wastewater from the operation and the products emerging from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Alpina removes on average 98.7% of the organic matter of wastewater, and is active influence positively in Colombian law. In addition, sludge or bio solids are treated and utilized as compost and biogas energy advantage.

Energy management and climate change

As a company manufacturing and distribution of food, energy in its various forms it is essential for the operation of Alpina. Since the operations of the farmers who supply our milk and transport of supplies to our plants, to processing of products, distribution and sale, use significant amounts of energy, especially because most of our products require maintaining a Cold chain.

The effects of climate change have direct impacts on both the capacity of its suppliers of milk and fruit, two of its main inputs, such as manufacturing processes and logistics, coupled with the need to be competitive. This makes energy issues and climate change are critical for sustainability.

Initiatives related to energy and climate change are aimed at efficiency and energy self-sufficiency, reducing consumption and encouraging each

Again the use of alternative energies derived from own processes, replacing energy from hydroelectric and fossil fuels.

Materials and Waste Management

In Alpina, material handling and waste is addressed not only in the light of waste management, but the principle of pollution prevention, in order to try to produce less and less waste.

  • lpina understands that the cheapest deal residue is one that is not generated and, therefore, eco-design and eco-efficiency is sought in products, especially for packaging materials. This means exploring issues such as the impacts and benefits of each material, the degree of ease to recycle or disassemble the components of the packaging, minimizing the apparent sizes of packages, especially those carrying plastic compounds, which are imported mostly

It has achieved a high level of utilization of post-industrial waste generated in plants. Additionally, during 2014, they were carried out on the market drivers for change towards increased use of PET bottles, recyclable material

leaving a smaller carbon footprint, mainly because of the advantage that its light weight can carry more tons of product on each trip.

Alpina over the time has won many awards not only in Colombia but also internationally for his commitment and social responsibility.

They have committed not only to the environment but also with the people. "Alpina has created strategic alliances education, foundations, projects with communities, research institutes to innovate and improve production processes, projects commitment to children and improvement in feeding its people, as evidenced by the following projects he has performed in different regions and different ethnic groups, with the peasants of Cauca, the Wuayuu in Guajira, children of Cundinamarca, farmers in Cesar, peasants of Antioquia and Caldas, in addition to projects with different communities of Ecuador and Peru. "(Van den Berghe, 2012).

Alpina also promotes better nutritional food education, they publishing constantly their research articles, all with the aim of improving food especially in children. "FAO (United Nations that promotes better food), recommended many of its formulas, in order to be implemented in Latin America, because they educate on best consumer habits and food storage, it contributes to a better quality of life of the population. "(Van den Berghe, 2012).

Alpina has also created a partnership with the Corona Foundation, to improve the financial education of disadvantaged communities, the foundation also advises entrepreneurs women of the department of Cauca, educates enterprise level to achieve improve their economic situation.

"Alpina and the Alpine Foundation, working with the governments of the different departments, for example in Cesar, Alpina invested $ 2,075 million, in 10 municipalities strengthened, and the productive and commercial quality of farmers is improved, increasing productivity and of course increasing their income. "(Van den Bergue-2012).

Alpina has also worked interesting projects in Peru, in 2009 Alpina removes exports from Colombia to this country, its strategic plan is to produce and market some of its most important products taking advantage of the capacity of this country, and thus many Peruvians have benefited consumers.

Alpina has also thought of sick people, so the company launched the special light yogurt for diabetics, for alpine children produce different products based on plant vitamins, for communities of the field in Colombia, where they are frequent energy cuts (electric light), alpine produce UHT milk, 100% natural, allowing storage of up to 60 days without refrigeration, with the environment the company is very committed; each year makes several campaigns to sensitize people especially children to care for the planet. With its product Alpinito, delivered 1,000 kits germination to plant trees, this project was so successful that the company received the Portfolio Award in 2012 in the category of environmental protection.

Alpina is a company with a social responsibility program very well structured, is an example for many other large companies that only focus on making money and seek only their own benefit. Alpina is a very successful company in many ways and also emphasizes its strong commitment to the environment, and with the poorest people in different regions of Latin America.

3. What kind of programs and to whom are aim to these CSR programs.

The term "corporate responsibility" is used to discuss the processes designed to ensure the success of an enterprise integrating social and environmental considerations into their activities. In other words, meet the demand of customers and owners, managing at the same time, expectations of other stakeholders: employees, suppliers and the community around. Including the environment. Contribute positively to society managing the various impacts of the company. In this sense, CSR can bring direct benefits and ensure long-term competitiveness of it.

Corporate responsibility is basically to integrate the pursuit of economic success, creating a good reputation and confidence of the people working for the company or somehow relate to it. Customers want to be recognized for the quality of its products and services reliable suppliers. Suppliers want to sell to a customer who continuously buy and pay promptly. The community wants to know that the company acts in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Finally, the workers want to be in a company of which they can be proud and which values their contribution.

The RSE Program Commits understands the 'social responsibility' linked to competitiveness. This implies that it is assumed that the company generates relationships that wants to win, while producing social benefits and supports sustainability, which we are faced with a concept of 'social responsibility' that integrates economic performance, coupled with social performance and sustainability of the shares of the company. In economic theory this performance only occurs in conditions of perfect competition, so you are only ask the company to support the rules of free competition and oppose corruption.

The responsibility is precisely to account for the effects and implications of their own actions. It applies to the consequences of courses of actions already taken, but also making new decisions, particularly risk management: the actions you can take a company does not have a single class of effects (economic, for example) but those effects are often complex (economic, social and environmental at the same time and in different ways).

These consequences are not only economic data but have to do with the quality of life of individuals and communities, as well as the conditions that make sustainable the natural environment, which, in turn, are conditions of possibility of any corporate action assume a consideration of medium and long term.

The 'social responsibility' of businesses should be understood tight to the reality of their own actions, because it is not about replacing the state or social or community organizations, but to adopt a mode of management able to anticipate possible courses action continue business decisions, as well as the effects of the actions that have already been made or are in progress. These effects are the economic, social and environmental again.

In addition, as a particular form to take risks, it is learning to cope with the effects that the company receives from the relationships you have with other economic, social, nature or agents.

This management responsibility is a commitment to the success of the company itself in openness to the requirements and demands of these stakeholders, a basic building model agreements, always within the parameters of respect for the great criteria that guide today humanity, which are human rights, which involve obligations or duties of respect, framing the responsibility of individuals and organizations in contemporary societies.

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